Equity Logic Brochure [ADV Part II]

The descriptions offered on this website are only part of the complete brochure. The entire brochure can be found here, and must be reviewed in detail before managerial services will be considered. The entire brochure contains additional pertinent information including fee structure and account minimums. This Brochure is offered in PDF format and may not open on certain handheld devices.

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Disclaimer: Investing in the Stock Market involves a high degree of risk and some of the strategies offered by Equity Logic are not appropriate for all investors because they may offer a higher degree of risk and therefore not suit the risk tolerance or suitability standards imposed by the NASD, SEC, or other regulatory bodies for every level of investor, so Equity Logic reserves the right to refuse business from anyone even in the situation where they might meet the eligibility requirements or initial investment requirements, whatever the reason, and at the sole discretion of Equity Logic and its management. Interested Parties are required to read the Brochure, ADV Part II, in its entirety before investing any monies into any strategy offered by Equity Logic and is required by regulatory rule, so Equity Logic will not accept business from anyone who has not yet confirmed complete review of the Brochure.